Palm Pre Hands On Hits The Internet Early!

Consider our minds blown.

BGR has what is the World’s first hands on with the Palm Pre.

Early impressions are a lackluster keyboard: BG says that the top row is hard to type on due to your fingers hitting the top half of the phone, and the buttons are a little hard to type with as well often times hitting two buttons at once. Continue reading “Palm Pre Hands On Hits The Internet Early!”

Palm Pre Emulator Shows the Pre Interface

Below you’ll find a leaked video of the Palm Pre interface showing the settings options contained within the device.

Seems this emulator was given to early developers and someone has posted a multitude (see TONS) of videos showing a run through of the Pre software.
Continue reading “Palm Pre Emulator Shows the Pre Interface”

AT&T Getting Its First Android Phone

Engadget is breaking all sorts of since yesterday.This one is pertaining to AT&T finally getting an Android based device.

Based on the slide we’re looking at here, features include your basic set of smartphone abilities including an MP3 player, fixed focus 3 mega-pixel camera, bluetooth, video playback, and GPS. Continue reading “AT&T Getting Its First Android Phone”

Light Hands On With The Nokia N97 with Pics – FoneArena Exclusive

We had an early hands on with the Nokia N97 and while we can’t give you much in details in terms of software, we can say that the hardware on this phone is amazing.

The unit was the black one , and we have exclusive pics for your viewing pleasure !

Everything from the chrome trim to the slide mechanism for the keyboard was fantastic. It truly felt like a phone worthy of it’s price tag. Continue reading “Light Hands On With The Nokia N97 with Pics – FoneArena Exclusive”

Early Hands-On With the BlackBerry Storm 2

The peeps over at Engadget just posted an early hands on with the BlackBerry Storm 2.

The release date for this phone is still up in the air (rumor has it dropping either next month or early Q4) but we’re glad to see a revision.

We brought you rumors about the phone and launch date Continue reading “Early Hands-On With the BlackBerry Storm 2”